Our partners are so important and we accomplish a lot together.
Larger Multi-track sessions can be captured in our adjacent partner live performance facility. It is just across the hallway so it's easy to accommodate larger session needs in this 4000 sf space with a 16' x 24' stage, full P.A. and monitor system, and 32-track capture capability to keep that ‘LIVE BAND’, Live performance feel.
Ida Ho Ho
Since 2010 FultonHoff Productions have produced Ida Ho Ho, a holiday collection of Idaho musicians, with all proceeds going to the Women's and Children's Alliance. With only a month of sales each year, the holiday collection ends up as a top seller for the year quite often at The Record Exchange. This CD is recorded, mixed and mastered at Audio Lab.
We’ve Got You Covered - A concert series with a featured artist who picks several guest artists to cover one of their songs. Each featured artist picks a charity and profits go to this charity. Audio Lab records all the audio in high definition multi-track audio.